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Make a gift to the Oregon Counseling Association Foundation or to COPACT!

The ORCA Foundation supports our larger mission of empowering counselors and therapists to do our most powerful, healing work. Your tax-deductible gift to our 501(c)(3) helps to fund our efforts to foster connection, learning and leadership through:

  • Open and welcoming networking events; 
  • Emerging counselor trainings to help those just out of grad school prepare to enter the field;
  • High quality professional development and education, including CE events focused on broadening cultural and social justice awareness;
  • Putting values of diversity, equity and inclusion into action with A Seat at the Table Scholarship Fund!

One of the most important roles of the ORCA Foundation is supporting A Seat at the Table Scholarship Fund, which helps cover the cost of training and membership fees for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) graduate students and registered interns.

COPACT is the lobbying extension of ORCA and works on behalf of all LPCs, LMFTs, registered interns and students in counseling and marriage and family therapy programs by pursuing the passage of legislation that promotes and protects our professions and our clients. COPACT's primary source of funding is based on ORCA membership dues. You can support COPACT both by maintaining your membership in ORCA and by direct donation.

    We can’t do this work alone, and we are stronger with your support. Please make your tax-deductible gift to the ORCA Foundation and COPACT today!

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      *Last name
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      *Amount ($USD)
      *Please indicate where you would like to contribute:
       Payment frequency

      The Oregon Counseling Association is a 501(c)(6) tax-exempt trade association.

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      Oregon Counseling Association 
      (503) 722-7119 
      PO Box 2163 Portland, OR 97208

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